Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 20, 2010

It's taken me more than a month, but I've completed another total revamp of AMC. But the good news is, that I decided to revamp the site because I'm writing again!

My return to Hanfic is due to the resergence of my love for Hanson's music following the 5 for 5 concert series in May. I watched it on a whim and by the end of the first night I could found myself into Hanson again, something that I haven't felt for a couple years.

I started the revamp that week in May, but due to school and such, it's had to take a back burner, but now that school is out for the summer, I am back and determined to finish the revamp.

One major change to the site, beyond the layout and such, is that a majority of the stories are now only available through PDF. It's a decision that I've gone back and forth over, but finally decided that it was for the best.

This revamp update, is not my only update for you guys, I have two story announcements for you, one of which is already being posted.

Some how in a chat last week Nat and I go the insane idea to write another collab. Well it's started and the prologue is posted. Since her computer hates my website, we decided to create a Livejournal community to post the story at. The story is called If I Don't Kill Him First and Livejournal users can join the community. So go join, read and let us know what you think of the story!

The second story I want to tell you about is a new solo story that I'm currently working on. It's called You, Me and Lucy and I hope to get it started and posted for guys soon.

For now that's all I have for you guys, but I'll try and remember to post here when we've updated IIDKHF.