Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween everyone! Of course, it's so late that November (and NaNoWriMo) start in roughly 16 minutes. Am I ready for NaNoWriMo? Yes and no. I know what's happening in the story and I have all my ideas written down, I just haven't made my outline yet. Does that stress me out? Hell ya. Am I going to let it discourage me? Hopefully not. Haha.

Anyway, I should really be in bed right now, but I wanted to post a few things before I take a month off to devote to writing Aloha.

I'll start with the most exciting news: Nat and I finished writing If I Don't Kill Him First today!! We've posted through Chapter 18, so there are 10 chapters and the epilogue left to post. The Epilogue will be posted December 31st.

Mmk, on to the Halloween themed updates. I posted a Halloween themed drabble called Four Pumpkings in a Row on my LJ the other day and I've finally got around to posting it on here in HTML. I've also posted the story I wrote for the Trick-or-Treat: A Hanfic Halloween Challenge it's called Costume Party and it is available on my LJ and the Trick-or-Treat website as well as here in HTML.

Alright, so now that it is officially November, I shall put myself to bed. Night all!